Friday, March 15, 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent

1- 4lb box borax
1- 4lb box arm and hammer super washing soda
1- 4lb box baking soda
1- 3lb container of Oxi Clean
2- bars of Zote Soap or Fels-Naptha Soap Bars
1- container or those laundry crystals- I use Gain but you can use any scent you like.

Shred the soap bars (I use my food processor). Then mix all ingredents in a large bowl or 5 gallon bucket and stir or shake until mixed throughly. Store in airtight containers.
Use 1 to 2 TBSP per load of clothes. Yes that is all it takes.

This will last my family for 6 months and cost about $25. What a huge savings, I love it. Clayton use to break out when I used store bought detergent and now he doesn't have any problems. (Did I say that I LOVE this stuff)!!!

If you have any questions let me know.

Thanks and Happy Washing!

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